Friday, July 23, 2010

One Goal Friday: July 23, 2010

How are you? What have you been up to?

That's how almost every phone call of mine begins, and since we're all friends here (if you're new, you soon will be friends here too!), I'll start today's blog out the same.

The kids and I strolled downtown Ann Arbor and on the University of Michigan campus this week for the annual Ann Arbor Art Fair. It's huge! The city streets and campus brim with booths featuring artists from all over the world. Live music, free art projects for kids and adults, a trolley, and tons of delicious food booths round out the fair. I love that the city plans so well for the event. Visitors can park at the mall or Pioneer High School and pay a small fee to ride a bus to the venue. The art fair continues until Saturday, so if you're in the area, go check it out!

It's Friday! Time to set and review our goal.
My goal last week was to finish researching my new book and create the scene outline. Well, that goal will have to wait, because my critique partners are super fast! I spent the week tweaking my (almost) finished book based on their comments.

Here are your goals:
Terri: Read through manuscript to see what's still needed
Jessica: Continue sending queries and polishing ms (Good luck!! Fingers crossed for many requests!!)
Abby: Continue playing piano
Diane: Keep going on treadmill
Katie: Add another 12K (Did you finish?)
Wendy: Give mom tons of hugs (Yay! Enjoy your visit!)
CJ: Restore program and data files (Yuck.)
Jen: Exercise 3x's and finish files
Lynn: Tweet twice a day
Tamika: Dive back into ms
Cindy: Write 10k, get up early to exercise, and clean house
Kelly F: 1k/1hr
Erica: Write 10k
Patti: Keep correcting The Rhythm of Secrets, finish teacher crits for memoir class
Quiet Spirit: Write on series of skits with theme of God speaking to us
Julie J: Finish and send synopsis
Nancy: Get "new" room cleaned and organized
Sharon: Write 20pgs of YA romance and write 7 blog posts
T.Anne: Write 10k and catch a nap
CMOM: Spend time with kids
Lindsey: Finish preparing for RWA Nationals (Welcome! You'll have a blast at Nationals!)

How did you do? I'm continually amazed at how productive you are. Even in the middle of summer, you're pursuing your dreams. Inspiring!

My new goal is to do the final read through of my finished book and start querying it.

What one goal would enhance your life this week?

Please leave your goal in the comment section. Newcomers are welcome to participate, and don't worry if you can't stop by every Friday--my blog's goal isn't to add stress but to be a place of support.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I must have forgotten to post my goal. I have been sick this week though, so not much happened this week. :)

  2. Thanks for the crossed fingers.
    ;-) I got a form reject back and "I'll look at your chaps when I get back" reply. lol
    Guess that's something. :-)

    This week I'd like to up my momentum on the wip and get some wordage in.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Jill!

  3. I admire you, Jill, and the way you've got your summer under control. :)

    I'll have to think on a goal... Too much going on!

  4. I did finish! The rough draft is finito. Now onto revising, which terrifies me. I just finished the first read-through and am slightly panicked.

    Goal for next week: write up my revision notes and tackle at least one major problem

  5. I have created a new habit of tweeting at least twice a day! My goal this week is be SOCIAL while on vacation in the mountains, and finish Wild At Heart to reveiw.
    Have a great week Jill!

  6. Good morning!

    Tabitha: I'm so sorry you've been sick. Get rested up and feel better!

    Jessica: Hey, I like the second response! The first one, not so much. But like my friends and I all tell each other, many times it's just a matter of opinion. Keep me posted! (Still praying for you!)

    Janna: Okay, I'm clutching my sides in laughter right now! Me? Summer? Under control? Barely! I've been a maniac trying to get revisions done each morning and spend time with the kids all afternoon. Frazzled is not a place I love to be. :)

    Katie: Woo-hoo!! Awesome!! I'm so impressed! Revisions always seem daunting at first. Once you're in, though, it's just business as usual. Good luck!

    Lynn: Way to go! I know how intimidating it can be, and you're still putting yourself out there. Great! And what a super goal for this week.

    Thank you so much for stopping by!

  7. I did it! I finished and sent my synopsis. This week, finish the first draft of synopsis number two.

  8. I did it! Every day. I'm quite proud of myself. I had a lesson the other day and I have a lot of stuff to work on, so probably for next week my goal is to polish both pieces I've been working on and fix all the mistakes.

  9. Julie J: Congratulations!! I'm so proud of you! (In a non-condescending way, of course!) Woo-hoo!!

    Abby: That's terrific! Even busy, you're finding time to hone those piano skills. Yay!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. Hi Jill, I'm working on the ending of a YA novel. Making some small changes, fine tuning. Then I hope to work on my WIP.

  11. I loved reading about your strolls...and MEETING MY GOALS!!!


    LOVE this place.

  12. I did it Jill! This has been a emotional and productive week, how I have missed my writing. It's great to be back:)

  13. My life would be enhanced if the computer wasn't running on sluggish. My goal is not to take percussive maintenance with it.

  14. Yay! I'm so excited you're going to start querying soon!

    No cleaning went on at all last week. Too much to do. But I did get up early to exercise. And I did write my 10K. So my goal for this upcoming week is to make all the food for my oldest daughter's birthday this weekend (kabobs, appetizers, salads and cake), and hopefully finish my WIP. Yay!

  15. I'm proud of you, and your crit partners for doing a great job!

    I did not exercise but once, but I did finish my files--a leap of excitement in Paris, IL!!!!

    My new goal is to get pages done to put on my blog. I'm having Laura at Blogging Bistro analyze it, and I want it spiffed up.

    Happy Weekend!


  16. Paul: Great! It's so nice to hear you're chugging along!

    Patti: Woo-hoo! Way to go!!

    Tamika: So glad to hear you're back in it, but I'm sorry it's been emotional. Hope this week's even better.

    CJ: Still having problems? They never really end, do they? Hope your PC gets with the program and starts running fast!

    Cindy: Happy Birthday to your oldest!! Good for you getting so much accomplished (who needs to clean, anyhow?)!

    Jen: Wow! You did it! Blogging Bistro--that has a nice ring to it.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

  17. Everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know I'll be offline until Monday. Please still leave your goals. I read every comment. Have a terrific weekend!


  18. Jill, I hope you had a blast incorporating your CPs' changes. I'll be doing the same thing in a couple of weeks.

    My goal for this coming week is one I'm sure to attain: to have a blast at the Romance Writers of America® national conference in Orlando.

  19. Yay! made it on the 10K words and then some.

    Goal for this week, finish this ms...12K more words.

  20. Jill:
    I did one or two of those skits. I also did some research for the nonprofit I work with- how to send a newsletter as e-mail. I also found some devotional magazines to inquire about their guidelines,theme lists and sample copies. Husband had an MRI on Thursday. I got back into some basic Christian writing books and it helped me look at things in a better way. LIFE'S GOOD.

  21. Hi Jill -

    I haven't posted a goal, but I did some editing on my book and started an extensive synopsis. I need to do more research on writing a synopsis. It's not sticking in my brain.

    My goal for next week is writing a chapter by chapter synopsis of book of my first book - at least half of it anyway.

    Susan :)

  22. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    My goals? To finish round three of revisions to The Hating Game and continue writing on ym next nove (I'm about a third of the way in!).

  23. Awesome! You guys made progress and have great goals for the week!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!


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