Friday, December 6, 2013

Rebellious Heart: Interview and Giveaway!

When I first saw the cover for Rebellious Heart, I couldn't wait to read it! Then I read the back-cover copy and really got ansty! I am a huge fan of Jody's writing and any novel set in America. This book is her best yet (my review is posted later in the post). 

Jody graciously agreed to answer a few questions about Rebellious Heart, so let's get to it!

1. Rebellious Heart is set in 1763 Massachusetts. Did anything surprise you when you researched this setting?

I was very fortunate that I was able to take a trip out to Massachusetts while I was researching the book. During my trip, I visited places like Boston, Braintree, and Weymouth which all are integral parts of the book.

I was actually able to take a trolley tour of the John Adams National Historical Park in Braintree. The trolley took us to John Adams's birth place and then to the home he lived in later in life (after he was president). It was fascinating to "go back to the colonial era" and get a picture of how people lived during that time period. I especially enjoyed getting to see John Adams's family library and the walls upon walls of books.

However, most surprising during the research trip was just how much the area had changed in the two hundred plus years since John and Abigail Adams had lived there. I was rather let down when I stepped off the trolley at the birth place to realize that it was smack dab in the middle of a really busy intersection of town with cars and buses passing and buildings all around it.

Since it used to be a farm and set in a rural area, it was a little hard for me to imagine what it must have once looked like since I found myself staring at cement slabs, chain link fences, and a sea of businesses in the place that had once been open, empty farmland.

All of that reminded me of how much historical writers have to rely upon biographies, diaries, and other books written during those early time periods in order to get the real flavor of what the setting was like.

2. If you could go back in fictional time, which of the characters in Rebellious Heart would you most like to have dinner with and why?

I'd probably like to have dinner with Mrs. Smith, Susanna's mother, just so that I could argue with her about the importance of educating women. Of course, like many women of her day, she didn't believe women needed an education. As was the custom, the mothers homeschooled their young children in the basics of reading and writing and math. Boys were then given the privilege of going on to a local school or having tutor (if from a wealthy family). But girls weren't so lucky. After the initial homeschooling from the moms in a dame school (held mostly in kitchens), girls weren't allowed in any of the formal schools (or at least very rarely).

I'd love to sit down with Mrs. Smith (and Reverend Smith) and present to them all the reasons why girls deserve an equal education to that of boys! Wouldn't they be surprised if they could step into our time today and see women as lawyers, doctors, and ministers?

3. What's next for your readers, Jody?

My next book is Captured by Love and it's releasing in the summer of 2014. It's set in 1814 when the British have taken hold of Mackinac Island (in Michigan) and its fort, forcing American residents to swear an oath of loyalty to the British crown in order to retain their land. Pierre Durant is a voyageur—a fur trader who left his family home to find adventure. He’s been gone five years and when he returns, his family’s farm is at the mercy of the British invaders.

Torn between the life he’s grown used to and guilt over leaving his brother and mother, Pierre’s drawn back into the loyalist fight against the British—and into a relationship with Angelique Labelle, a beautiful local girl who’s been befriended by the British commander's daughter. As tensions mount and the threat of violence increases both Angelique and Pierre must decide where their loyalties rest, how far they will go to find freedom, and how much they will risk to find love.
I'll have one other book releasing next year (probably in December). And that will be the first book in a Michigan lighthouse series that I'm writing.

Wow, Jody, the research trip sounds fascinating! I'm sure it must have been strange to picture a lonely farm where a city now rests. :) And if you need a back-up gal for your dinner with Mrs. Smith, I'm in. You're absolutely right. Wouldn't it be something for them to see how far women have come? 

We've vacationed on Mackinac Island many times, so I don't think I can wait six months for your next book! It sounds amazing!!


In 1763 Massachusetts, Susanna Smith has grown up with everything she’s ever wanted, except one thing: an education.
Because she’s a female, higher learning has been closed to her, but her quick mind and quicker tongue never back down from a challenge. She’s determined to put her status to good use, reaching out to the poor and deprived. And she knows when she marries well, she will be able to continue her work with the less fortunate.
Ben Ross grew up a farmer’s son and has nothing to his name but his Harvard education. A poor country lawyer, he doesn’t see how he’ll be able to fulfill his promise to make his father proud of him. When family friends introduce him to the Smith family, he’s drawn to quick-witted Susanna but knows her family expects her to marry well. When Susanna’s decision to help an innocent woman no matter the cost crosses with Ben’s growing disillusionment with their British rulers, the two find themselves bound together in what quickly becomes a very dangerous fight for justice.
My Review: 5 Stars!!
Every time I read a book by Jody Hedlund I say, "That was the best one yet." Rebellious Heart is no exception!! I loved this book!

Set in colonial America, the story follows Susanna Smith and Ben Ross as they work together to help an escaped indentured servant. Both have compelling reasons for marrying into wealth, thus keeping them from marrying each other. I think this was Ms. Hedlund's most romantic book to date!

The fall setting, suspenseful theme, and fascinating historical details all added up to a perfect read for me! I can't wait to read her next one!

**I was given an advanced reader copy of this book with no obligation to review it. All opinions are my own--and I loved it!!**
Jody has graciously agreed to give one lucky reader a copy of Rebellious Heart!! Just write your e-mail address (ex: jill(at)jillkemerer(dot)com) in a comment below to enter! I'll randomly pick a winner on Sunday, December 8, 2013!

**Contest open for U.S. residents 18 and older. Winner will be notified by e-mail.**

Do you like historical fiction? What time period is your favorite?

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Jody, it's so nice to "meet" you here. I read your debut novel, and I loved it. Somehow, I haven't read any more. :( I'm going to have to get my hands on a couple. :) As I read your description of John Adams' birthplace as it is today made me a little sad. Time truly does march forward, sometimes trampling on memories of the past.

    I do like historical fiction, and I've read in all centuries. I like them all! :) I think I like story rather than era. What I mean is if it's a great story, I'll love it, regardless of the era. Does that make sense?

    Great interview and review, Jill!

    1. Hi Jeanne,

      That absolutely makes sense! I feel the same way. Whether I read a YA dystopian or historical or contemporary romance, It's the story itself that is the most important thing! Thank you so much for stopping by!!

  2. Makes sense to me, Jeanne--I'm all about story too! If the book looks interesting, I pick it up!

  3. I loved this book SO much.

    And to answer your questions, yes, I adore historical fiction. I love reading in so many time periods, but some of my favorites would be the early 1900s--especially the 1920s--such a cool time for women. I also love books set around the Civil War...or WWII...or the Industrial Revolution...uh yeah, basically it all fascinates me. :)

    1. Hi Melissa! I love the wide variety of historical eras that are now available! It used to be so narrow. And I'm glad that it's broadening out more! Because, yeah, I like them all too! :-)

    2. Melissa, there was a terrific series about a female PI in the early 1900's--author might have been Brenda Hoyt. I love those time periods too!

  4. I love historical fiction! While the Regency period is my favorite, this book sounds like a wonderful read and I'd love to win it. Thanks for the giveaway! danandlyndaedwards(at)msn(dot)com.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lynda E.! I love Regency books too!

  5. Jody, I recently won Rebellious Heart in giveaway but would love to win another copy to give to my daughter. We both enjoy historical fiction, but I'm not sure what my favorite time period is. I like several! :) ckbarker at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Cheryl! That's so cool your daughter loves to read too. Yay!

  6. Have a Merry Christmas! Thanks for this great giveaway!

    wwchildren at gmail dot com

  7. You pose a difficult question today because I love to read about all kinds of historical periods of time. I love the Regency time and there seems to be more books written about that time period. I also am intrigued by the time of the Tudors as it was fraught with so many changes both in the church and politically. Of course, the reign of Henry VIII made life at court extremely perilous. I also like the 1920s time period both in the U.S. and in Europe due to the social changes that affected so many people.

    I’m very interested in reading this novel because I would love to see how the heroine fares in being able to pursue her dreams. It sounds terrific!

    1. I'm a sucker for Regency! Haven't read much Tudor time period, but I'm open to it. (And, yes, RH IS terrific!!)

  8. Thank you both Jill and Jody for the chance to win and for this interview! :) I've pinned it on my "Christian Deals & Giveaways" Board to let others know about it as well. I've been meaning to read your books for a while now, Jody, and one of these days I will! ;)

    I LOVE Historical Fiction, so I'm not sure I can pick just one era. I think my favorites though are medieval, colonial, and regency. :)


    1. Oh, oops! Forgot to add my e-mail. That might help, haha.

      It's thefearlist(at)hotmail(dot)com.

    2. Thank you for pinning the book, Lizzie! I hope that you'll have the chance to delve into one of my books at some point! They cover all eras! :-)

    3. Oh, thanks so much for spreading the word, Lizzie! :)

  9. Thanks for the contest and interview- sounds great!

    (r n r s)(at)chibardun(dot)net

  10. I would love to read this book! I love historical fiction. Thanks for the giveaway!


  11. I love historical fiction. This sounds like a good one.

  12. Historical Fiction is my favorite since it allows me to travel and to dream. I enjoy the 1930'3 and the 1940's. thanks for this lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. That's so true. It allows us to travel and dream! Love it!

  13. I love any historical fiction...Civil War probably being my favorite. This was one of the best books I ever read. I would totally love to give it to a friend! A must read!

    1. Forgot email. Ewe_r_merritt(at)yahoo(dot)com

    2. I love Civil War fiction too. I have a CW series that's been kicking around in my head for a few years. We'll see if I ever write it! :)

  14. Love historical fiction - most all time periods. I can't pick a favorite!
    lattebooks at hotmail dot com

  15. I love historical fiction!!! The mid to late 1800's and WWII are my favorite! I can't wait to read this book!


    1. Have you tried Sarah Sundin's WWII books, Marissa? They're wonderful!

  16. Thanks for the interview and giveaway ladies! I've read the book,but wouldlovea copy to give to my aunt for Christmas...
    I love historical fiction, and if I had to pick a time period I would say 19th century america... particularly the settling of the American west.


    1. Perfect timing for Christmas and all, right? Yes, American West is fun to read. I loved Jodi Thomas's books set in Texas. They're a little spicy at times, but they sure are terrific!

  17. I love historical fiction! ...especially the Regency period and America in the 1800s. Lately, I've been getting into the Revolutionary period and the Medieval age. I've read a lot of great reviews of this book.
    garfsgirl [at] hotmail [dot] com

    1. Oooh, Medieval, I haven't read any set in that time! Now you've got me thinking... :)

  18. Fingers crossed!

  19. If this is Jody's best book yet, it must really be fabulous! I've read several of her other books and really enjoyed them. Reading historical fiction is a great way to learn more about history; I enjoy most time periods. World War II is one I like to read about; maybe because my parents were growing up during that time. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Rebellious Heart.

    1. I know, Pam! I've read every book of hers. I've loved every one. And they keep getting better--how does she do it?? :)

  20. I loved this book, and I can't wait to read the new books set in Michigan!

    kathae at jacobfam dot net

    1. I can't either! I'm a sucker for Mackinac Island--one of my favorite vacay spots!

  21. This sounds like a wonderful book! I'd love to read it!

    aeputney (at) liberty (dot) edu

  22. Hi Everyone! Thank you all so much for stopping by for this giveaway! I'd love to send either YOU or someone you love a signed copy of the book!! Because as we all know, there's nothing better than giving books as Christmas presents!!

    And a BIG thank you to Jill for hosting me on her blog! Sending virtual hugs your way, Jill! :-)

    1. Thank you SO much, Jody, for being my guest and offering to give away a copy of your book!

  23. She's wonderful, isn't she, Sharon? :)

  24. Great interview. Yes, I love historical fiction. Probably my most favorite is Regency. This book looks really good. Yes, Jody I agree. I think the fact girl's were not allowed an opportunity at a formal education is disgraceful.

  25. Love books set in the 17 and 18 hundreds. Many other time periods also.

  26. The book sounds wonderful
    God bless you
    Chris Granville

  27. I love to read historical fiction. I read The Preacher's Bride. If this books is as good as that one, I know it will be great.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

    1. I loved The Preacher's Bride!! Wasn't it terrific?

  28. I absolutely fell in love with Jody Hedlund's novels last year. I can't wait to read her newest one!

  29. Jody's writing is stellar! I've loved all her books, but haven't read this one yet.

    susanjreinhardt AT gmail DOT com

    1. I've loved them all too, Susan! She keeps upping the stakes with each one!!

  30. Oh, this sounds like a great story! Please enter me in the giveaway.

    susanjreinhardt AT gmail DOT com

  31. I love Jody's books, and I can't wait to get my hands on this one. :)


  32. I love Jody's books, and I can't wait to get my hands on this one. :)



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