Friday, July 30, 2010

One Goal Friday: July 30, 2010

July's almost over? Already? I'm convinced summer days speed by faster than winter ones.

Today is my dad's birthday! Happy Birthday Dad!

So the jogging didn't go well last week. I really slacked off. I think it's time to add some variety to the workouts because I'm getting bored, and when I get bored, I quit.

It's Friday! Time to review and set our goals.

Last week, my goal was to do the final read through of my book and start querying it. Yes, I met that goal. It feels so good.

Here are your goals.
Jessica: Work on the new WIP
Katie: Write revision notes and work on one major problem
Lynn: Be social while on vacay and finish Wild at Heart to review
Julie J: Finish first draft of next synopsis
Abby: Polish both piano pieces
Paul: Fine tuning ending of YA novel and work on WIP
CJ: Not to destroy sluggish computer
Cindy: Finish WIP and prepare for b-day party (Happy birthday to your daughter!)
Jen: Get pages done for blog
Keli: To have a blast at RWA Nationals (I'm sure this will be tough! :)
Nancy: Have Purple Heart remove unwanted goodies
Erica: Finish ms!
Susan JR: Write chapter by chapter synopsis of first book
Talli: Welcome! Finish round three of revisions to The Hating Game and continue writing WIP

How did you do? Is the end of July messing with you? Or are you plowing ahead and getting things done?

So this week, my goal is to hit the county fair one day and splurge on french fries. Yummy! The rabbit barn is my favorite, and I can't wait to check it out.

What about you? What one goal would enhance your life this week?

Please leave your goal in the comment section. Newcomers are welcome to participate, and don't worry if you can't stop by every Friday--my blog's goal isn't to add stress but to be a place of support.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Happy B-day to your Pops. I was MIA last week, but this week my goal is to complete initial revisions to first 50 pgs. of Partridge.
    ~ Wendy

  2. Happy Birthday to your dad!! My goal for this week is to 1) come up with a blogging plan for the fall; 2) check out books from the library for research on next book; and 3) read The Help, which has been on my nightstand for way too long.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. My goal is to think of a goal. Ha!

    Happy birthday to your dad!

  4. Good Morning!

    Wendy: Oooo--good luck!

    Heather: That's so funny, because I just came up with my fall blogging topics. We must be on the same page! And yes, I have research books out of the library too. But The Help? Nope. Just finished reading Old School by Tobias Wolff--great book!

    Jessica: Well, with query letters out there, it's hard to think of anything, don't you think? :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. I'm so proud of you for finishing, and querying. And I feel the same with workout boredom. Oooch. I need to discipline my flesh!

    I did put pages on my blog; if you have a minute, pop over and tell me what you think, please. I value your input, Jill.

    My goal this week is to write a new humor column for the paper; I've been doing too many re-runs this summer.


  6. Fell off the treadmill, but am trying to eat better. I will get back on, I have too many good books to read not to.

    Happy weekend! :O)

  7. Happy birthday to your dad!

    I am soooo close to finishing the ms. Should get it done by tomorrow.

    Goal this week. Do my walking at least three times.

  8. My goals last week: Finish ending--I did that and got a really positive response on it.

    The WIP I did not work on.

    A goal for next week: Do some yoga and stretching (20 minutes a day on three separate days as a minimum.)

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. Jen: Thanks! I can't wait to see the pages on your blog!

    Diane: Me too. Maybe it's time to dust mine off? I run outside!

    Erica: Do my walking three times for me, too, okay? And finish that book!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. Paul: How wonderful! Isn't it great to get good responses? Yay! Yoga sounds good. I might have to get out my old DVD. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. Oh, tell your dad Happy Birthday!
    LOVE the pix!

    Hmmm. My goal for next week?
    FINISH The Rhythm of Secrets.

    Have a class to teach, a lesson to prepare, a conference to plan.


  12. My goal for next week is to make it through my first week back to work without pulling my Cranky Pants out of the closet. ;)

  13. Look at all those bunnies! Happy birthday to your dad and congrats on getting that read through done and those queries out.

    I finished my WIP and the birthday party was wonderful. Still can't believe I have an 8-year-old now :D

    This week's goal? Preparation for the ACFW conference. That involves more research on the agents/editors I might meet with, synopses and one-sheets. Oh boy.

  14. Sorry I've also been MIA the past few weeks...but still stopped by to read.

    Summer is flying by so fast and we have been very busy here. I look forward to my vacation in August.

    I planned on having my final revisions done by AUG 1 - but not to be. I have 5 more chapters to go and plan to get at least 3 done this week. (my goal is three chapters completed this week) I hope to have the book finally finished by mid August. I plan to be querying by the end of August or beginning of September.

    I would so appreciate it if you all would please keep my daughter Hannah in your prayers. She is stricken with a virus in her left ear and has had severe vertigo for 3 days now. She can't even get up off the couch. It has been really scary for her and us, but after a trip to the ear specialist, I'm finding out that this problem is very common with inner ear infections and other ear things like calcium deposits. Weird, huh? Her balance is totally out of whack. I'm told this may last a week or so.

    You all have a wonderful weekend and good writing to you.

  15. Oh, July totally got the best of me, what with all the vacationing and food to be eaten and wine to be drunk (drank? That one always gets me).

    Here's hoping August is much more disciplined. That said, I just need to get through my husband being back to work full time next week, after having the whole summer off to help me with the kiddos! :P I'd like to get about 10K words done on my MS too!

    Have a great weekend :)

  16. This is a great feature, Jill! I'm in for next week: my goal is to reorganize my writing space and research for an article I'm wanting to write. Thanks for the motivation!

    And... you won something on my blog! Congrats (again)!

  17. Haven't destroyed the sluggish computer, but I'm that |_| close

  18. Happy Birthday to your dad!!

    I know what you mean about the running. I needed to break it up to, so I added spin classes to the mix. I do them two times a week, and run 2 times a week and do a home weight workout inbetween. You'd think I'd be looking foxy by now but my ice cream input has increased too. LOL

  19. Apparently not... I think one is sort of polished but I had a lesson for the second one yesterday and found that it wasn't. My teacher was quite mean and nasty about it and I broke down crying at the end. I didn't know so much needed to be fixed... but then he felt bad and took me out to lunch.

  20. Happy birthday Jill's dad!!

    I met my goal. Woo-hoo! 11 pages of revision notes. Yikes!

    Goal for next week: get to p. 150 in book as far as revising goes.

  21. Patti: You can do it! Go tackle The Rhythm of Secrets, and try to stay sane with all the other stuff going on!

    Sherrinda: First week back already?? Didn't you just get off for the summer? Waaah! I'll be thinking of you.

    Cindy: An 8-yr. old. Wow. It's hard to believe, isn't it? Your conference prep. plan sounds terrific. Good luck!

    Loree: Yay--you're back! Don't ever apologize for bloggy absence. I'm absent much more than I'd like to be, but life is just like that sometimes! And I hear you on the revisions. Mine took me so much longer this time. Good luck! So, Hannah and ear problems? I'll keep her in my prayers. I feel terrible that the poor thing is dizzy and stuck on the couch. It's summer! She should be chipper and running around. Hope she feels better right away.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  22. Beth: Me too. The ice cream alone has gotten the best of me! Alas, August isn't about discipline either, so try not to beat yourself up too much if September is your best month!

    Jackee: I just reorganized my files and the ridiculous memo board of post-its. It feels great to have some order! Good luck! (And thanks!! T-800 party rocks!)

    CJ: Want me to come over with my hubby's power tools, mallets, and devices of destruction? We could have a lot of fun torturing that computer! :)

    Jennifer: Oh, I know you're looking foxy. I'm really impressed with your exercise discipline. Yoga has always been my go-to exercise when I'm feeling blah about the whole idea. I might get back into it.

    Abby: I'm sorry you had to deal with that. The whole point of taking lessons is to improve and learn, and that's hard to do when we're made to feel terrible about not being perfect. At least your teacher felt bad and took you out to lunch! Maybe your teacher has very high expectations of you because you're very talented?

    Katie: You're making quick work of your early revisions! I'm really impressed at your work ethic, especially in the summer. I know how busy your schedule is all year. Good luck this week! I know you can do it!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!


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