Friday, April 16, 2010

One Goal Friday: April 16, 2010

Whew, we made it through another week. I'm referring to it as a brownie week. Do you ever have days where you need a brownie every day of the week? (That's just me? Whoops!)

Every Friday we set one goal for the upcoming week. It can be related to work, home, family, or anything at all. This goal should be something that will enhance your life not make it harder. What one thing can you accomplish this week that will make you feel terrific?

Before we go further with goals, I want to congratulate Patrice for finalling in the 2010 Winter Rose contest with her romantic suspense Die Run Hide. Congratulations!!

I met last week's goal of finishing the second pass of revisions of my current book. It took a river of coffee, but I did it. How about you? Did you meet your goal?

Here's the list of last week's goals:

Lynn: Write two hours/day
CJ: Finish drawing and painting the dragon
Joanne: Immerse into a new writing project
Wendy: Buy a netbook (I know Wendy met this goal and I wish we lived closer so I could check it out!)
Kelly: Use first regularly scheduled kid-free time (Woo-hoo! Congrats on making this milestone!) to write
Janna: Keep editing
Diane: Read Bible daily
Keli: Walk at least twice and take a break from the computer
Julie J: Less procrastinating on the Internet
Georgiana: Finish first draft of WIP!!
Paul: Flesh out the idea for new project
Sallyo: Clean kitchen--and wait for happy new grandbaby news! (Hope you had a nice surprise!)
Erica: Edit/rewrite two chapters
Angie M: Read daily
Patti: Finish proposal and have fun at women's retreat (Have a great time!)
T. Anne: Cautiously enter 70K (Wow!!)
Melissa: Soak up the sun with daughter at the lake
Emily: Continue steady process of edits
Karen L: Spend time in the Word
Lisa and Laura: Have five perfect chapters written
Katie: Get back on track with schedule
Patrice: Keep editing with excitement
Susan M: Decide which project to work on next
Nancy: Be cheerful because it's a busy week
CMOM: Write each day
Tess: (Technically not your goal, but I'm adding it anyway--stealing the idea of hot cross buns!)
Ralene: Finish going through boxes

You all have lofty goals and reading through them gets me pumped up to meet my own.

I'm entering the final stages of revision for my book. My goal this week is to get down and dirty with the first ten chapters. I might not make this goal, but I want to aim high.

What's your goal?

Please leave your goal in the comment section. New to my blog? I'd love to hear your goal, but if you're not comfortable, feel free to lurk. Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Didn't get the dragon done. A brownie sounds good. This week besides finishing the dragon, I need to look for new athletic shoes for me and Himself. Have a great weekend

  2. I sort of met my goal. I did better than last week, but I still feel like I'm floating around a bit scattered. I'd like to renew my goal for this week! More specifically, I want 5:00 - 6:00 am to be nothing but writing time (which means brainstorming and plotting at this juncture in my journey)

    Happy Friday Jill!

  3. Here's my goal for next week since I didn't make one last week. I'm going to examine what I love about a portion of my WIP and rewrite the first half of my WIP.

  4. I like setting goals! I like achieving them even better ;) Last week we set to just reorganize to recover from vacation, this week a goal is step out and do something a little uncomfortable ( in a good way) kind of like stretching away from every day routine. So: visiting a friend who lives out of the way, starting to advertise for a small photo biz (yikes!) and actually share something I have written (gulp) - not very good at that yet.
    ok, so a few goals :) we'll see how it goes!

  5. Love that new netbook. I'm slapping down over 1000 words a day.

    I'll have you to blame if I get some sort of strange lock jaw from trying to eat my screen. That picture is just dangerous!!!

    Have a great weekend to a beautiful friend!
    ~ Wendy

  6. Good morning!

    CJ: Shopping for running shoes sounds a little better than the actual running part! (I started jogging this week--kill me now.)

    Katie: I know you used to write first thing in the morning, so I'm confident you'll meet this goal. It'll feel routine soon.

    JJ: Wow! Good luck with that!

    Amber: You have great goals this week. I love your photography site--very nice. It is hard to share our writing. It gets easier, but there's always a part of me that's biting my nails waiting to hear "worst writer EVER."

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. Wendy: You are?? That's awesome! See, it's another reason I need one of those adorable netbooks. :) Love your new profile pic, by the way!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Managed to do some writing last week while the kids were both in school, so met that goal. This week I'd like to spend at least an hour a night, for at least two nights writing.

  9. Made it! Did manage to read daily this week. It was so nice to be off the internet and with book in hand. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Jill.

  10. To get my head and house together after several busy weeks.
    Have a good weekend,

  11. Kelly: Great job--and a great new goal!

    Angie: Yay! I love the Internet, but I love being off the Internet too.

    Karen: Yikes. Good luck with that :)!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. Jill, I LOVE this idea of making a goal for the week. So glad I dropped by today :)

    My goal is to get back on track with my novel. Sadly, that means anything more than just skimming through it - but that's okay, I needed the break. I hope to reach 30 K words. Have a great weekend :)

  13. Good luck with those ten chapters!!

    I'm still working on that novel idea. I've written a few pages of the story and a lot of notes but it's not taking off so my goal is to see if there's really a story there that I want to tell.

  14. Yay! I met my goal for this week, and just this morning I met my goal that I didn't make for last week.

    My goal for the coming week...

    Wrap up the rewrites and get this book to my crit partners.

  15. This is the perfect thing for me this week, I've been so behind. My goal for the week: finish two beta reads for friends.

  16. Jill, congratulations on getting your revisions done. I'd say a brownie celebration would be well deserved.

    I intended to walk twice but only took one walk. I enjoyed it, though. My goal this week is to clear off my desk.

  17. Uh oh. Looks like I failed this week. There was a lot of internet procrastination happening this week. My goal for next week is to not fudge on my daily word count goal. 1000 every day!

  18. After returning from being out of town for a few days, I look forward to getting back to my 'normal' routine! Posting twice and writing two additional devos would make me extremely happy!! Have a wonderful weekend, Jill!

  19. Congrats on finishing your second pass. And it has definitely been a brownie week for me.

    My goal has a deadline, next Saturday. It's to get my conference presentation done. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

  20. Hmm... to get everything done I need to do before I leave for my trip next Sunday! AHHH!!

  21. I've eaten way too much chocolate this week.

    After an intense job interview this morning, I came home and wrote blog posts. Later, I want to work on editing Book 2.

    Susan :)

  22. I had my own goal last week and it was to finish the rough draft of my book. Did it today!!
    Now for next week, I guess I would like to start revisions and plan to use your method I once printed off.

  23. Melissa: Woo-hoo! Good for you!

    Cindy: I'm glad you dropped by too. Sometimes a break from a first draft can be a good thing. Have fun diving back in!

    Paul: I'm glad you're taking the time now to see if the idea has enough potential. I bet you'll find ways to flesh it out. Good luck!

    Erica: Good for you! Wrap that puppy up and get it to the cp's!

    Natalie: Hi! Great to see you again! Enjoy the betas.

    Keli: One walk is better than no walks! And I need to clear my desk off too. It's dusty, has scrap papers, pens, empty glasses and what-not on it. I can't stand it!

    Julie J: Hey, it happens to all of us. The Internet sucks you in! Did you mention fudge? :) Good luck!

    Maria: I love getting back into a routine after time away. Enjoy writing your posts and devotions!

    Elana: Oooh, conference! What is your presentation on and what conference is it for? I'm guessing it's about querying--am I right? ;)

    Kristen T: Where are you off to? Business trip? Have fun!

    Susan JR: Way too much chocolate here, too. I hope the interview went well! Crossing my fingers...

    Terri: Awesome!! Congratulations! Have fun revising!

    Thank you so much for stopping by!

  24. Oh my goodness! What a list of goal-makers! Wow. I'm impressed.
    Have fun with those first chaps.

  25. I did pretty well! And I repeat the same goal (to keep editing).

    Go Jill! You yourself are pretty inspirational.

  26. Hey, Jill! I am so excited to get back into a blogging and writing schedule. So, first, I want to settle into a new routine. Second, I want to send three chapters to my critique partner (I'm so close). And third, I hope to read through the first 150 pages or so I've already revised in order to renew my excitement for the story. This week is about getting back on track.

    Good to see you, Jill! Have a good weekend.

  27. Jill:
    I feel like a failure. I set a goal and then I don't feel well or something happens to my hubby.
    This next week, I am going to concentrate on getting my house in order,literally.

  28. I'm going to set this goal, but it may take several weeks to get in the groove... I want to make my writing schedule into an actual "job." It's become entirely too easy to let writing fall off my list at the end of the day.
    My other goal is to attend the ACFW Colorado writing retreat next weekend and not freak out!
    Ok, now that I've expressed the goal, it makes it REAL... EEK!

  29. We're waiting on some goal this weekend? Catch up on blogs!

  30. Taking it slow since I'm just getting back in the saddle from being AWOL from the Blogosphere and Twitter for a while.

    Hope all's been/is well with you.

  31. I spent time away on a business trip to Vancouver which knocked me off last week's goal. So this week is another beginning to start again with the same goal as last week. Have a great week!

  32. Jessica: Thanks. This is the stage I usually get really tired of revising!

    Janna: You're doing great! I'll be thinking of you since I'm still revising too.

    Heather: Tax season's over! Woo-hoo! Good luck with those great goals.

    Quiet Spirit: Don't feel that way! We all have weeks/months/years like that. I get frustrated with myself too. Life just doesn't always go the way we plan.

    Niki: I can relate. Last year, I let blogging and reading blogs take precedence over my writing. It stressed me out. Once I reprioritized, I found the routine that fit me great. I know you'll find yours!

    Lisa and Laura: Sounds good to me!

    Angie: I missed you! Hope you're doing well!

    Lynn: Vancouver is worth missing goals! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  33. I hope you get all of your work done. I know you will feel great if you do. I did manage to be joyful during the busy week. I don't do busy very well and I have another one coming up. My goal is: you know, I don't have a goal. Maybe next week.

  34. I did it! Only a week late, but my proposal has been sent to lovely agent.

    Now I will go back to my "routine" daily page rate and get my house put back together.

    Your blog is great.


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