Friday, September 10, 2010

One Goal Friday: September 10, 2010

How was your week? Did the weather surprise you? And who else is thrilled it's Friday?

It turned cooler with high winds, but the sun stayed out all week, so I'm not complaining.

It's time to set one goal for the week!

My goal for the week was to figure out an exercise routine that fit into my new schedule. So far, so good. I'm walking the dog for fifteen minutes at lunch, and moving for an additional fifteen minutes each evening. It's nice to know what I'm doing and not have any reason to feel guilty. Fifteen minutes twice a day is easy for me to achieve.

Here are your goals.
Terri: Loosen up with writing and not take everything to heart
Em: Enjoy life
Paul: Be more aware of amazing people in life
Lynn: Start writing blog again
Erica: Finish content edits
Patti: Get rid of sore throat (I'm sorry, hope you feel better!)
Tyrean: Enjoy the final weekend before school and write daily
Susan JR: Resume work on novel three
Katie: Get solid handle on verbal pitch
Tamika: Finish revising chapter five
Maria: Get girl settled in college then write, write, write (congrats!)
CJ: Get back on schedule
Robyn: Write every day
Nancy: Start getting organized
Sharon: Prepare for the SCBWI conference
Quiet Spirit: Study a script and get another refined for ministry group

How did you do? I know many blogger friends are preparing to attend the ACFW conference, and I'm sending those attending, energy to prepare and calmness to enjoy. Have fun! Everyone else, you can hang out with me and cheer our friends on!

My new goal for the week is to add 8,000 words to my new novel.

What about you? What one goal will enhance your life this week?

Please leave your goal in the comment section. Newcomers are welcome to participate, and don't worry if you can't stop by every Friday--my blog's goal isn't to add stress but to be a place of support.

Have a terrific weekend!


  1. Happy Friday! My goal is to finish the first draft of my YA Synopsis.

  2. Yep, I am glad it is Friday too :)

    My goal is to make sure my thinking is more positive and the way I talk to myself more uplifting :)

  3. 8000? Wow! That is a great goal, Jill. I hope to do a chapter a day of revisions. I am past the emotional part and can work at it better.

  4. Add 8,000? That many words must be a novel in itself.

    This week, catch up with my Letter A Week for 2010 project

  5. Finish my second children's book this week. :O)

    Happy weekend!

  6. Wow, was I not here last Fri.? Hmm. Where was I? My goal is to get the last duck in line before the conference and to enjoy my fam. before I take off.

    Also a little birdie sent me some things to revise so I'll be doing that too. ;D

    ~ Wendy

  7. Hi Jill! Good luck with your 8,000 word goal... I haven't joined in your goals over here before, but I will now (if that's okay by you!). :)

    goal for the week: push through the half-way point of revisions on the about 9 chapters.

  8. Good morning!

    I just returned from walking my dog by the river. Brown leaves covered the grass already! Fall is here!

    Julie J: Woo-hoo! Synopsis work usually requires extra coffee and chocolate at my house. Good luck!

    Tabitha: That's a good goal. I'm joining you in it. How's the weather there? Is it still winter or is it spring?

    Terri: Great! A chapter a day is terrific. (Remember to focus on all the nice comments too!)

    CJ: Ha! Not for me! What letter are you on? I loved all the projects you did last year.

    Diane: Finish your second children's book?? That's great!!

    Wendy: I hope I didn't accidentally forget you. This week was nuts with a side of nuts. Have fun getting ready!!

    Kristi: Oh, so glad you're joining! Nine chapters is huge--but I know you can do it!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  9. I'm revising my MS this week...BIG JOB. I'm looking forward to it, though. I LOVE TO EDIT!

  10. Go for it on the 8K! :-)

    Goal: Well I finished editing & polishing! That was so yay! So right now I'm taking a few days off then I'll be working on plotting the next and maybe working on my synopsis. :-)

  11. I'll be keeing it simple again. My goal is to keep writing daily, no matter the busy-ness of being a mom, a Sunday School leader, and home-school parent, dancer chauffeur and allergy free cook.
    Daily writing definitely enhances my life.

    I love your goal of 8,000 words! Wow!

    And By the way, there's a Blessed Blog Award for you at my blog today!

  12. LOVE your image! WHAT A GORGEOUS photo or painting!


    Now to work, work work on Lily, have fun with my fam this weekend, and get ready for Indy.

    Blessings to you.

  13. HI, Jill. I was with grandbabies last weekend, so didn't get to participate, but I did reach my goal for the week before. Congrats on finding an exercise plan that works for you.

    Yes, I'm thrilled it's Friday!

    My goal for this week is to finish a humor article I started, and start a new article for Guideposts.


  14. Way glad it's Friday!

    Content edits got returned...YAY!

    Goal for this week...Get the zillion things done that I need to before heading to Indy.

  15. Love the photo! My goal is to make major headway on my current project.
    Have a blessed weekend,

  16. Beth: It IS a big job! Good luck!

    Wendy: I love the few days off between projects. Hope you do something fun! Congrats on finishing the edits!

    Tyrean: Your duties make me want a nap ;) Thanks for the award!

    Patti: Yay for good health! Have fun with your family and getting ready for Indy!

    Jen: Your grandbabies sound so cute. How fun! Good luck with your goals!

    Erica: Awesome! So glad you got them done before the conference hoopla!

    Karen: September is a great month to make major headway on a project. Enjoy!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  17. I started my writing blog so that is great! I'm recovering from an injury, and recovering is the only goal I seem to be able to make today. Good to hear you have an excercise routine that fits you perfect.

  18. Susan M: It's that time of year! Out with the summer stuff, in with the fall stuff. Good times.

    Lynn: I'm sorry about your injury. Focus on recovering and I'll keep you in my prayers. (Yay on blogging again!)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  19. Hi Jill -

    I met my goal, but didn't work on the manuscript as much as I wanted. My goal for next week is to put in more time and not allow distractions to sidetrack me.

    Susan :)

  20. Hmm. My goal, and this is painful to say, is simply to WRITE SOMETHING FICTIONAL again!
    I'm setting aside my current WIP because I'm SO frustrated with it, and I'm going to pick up the Nanowrimo draft I did last November and see what I can do with it instead. Maybe working on something fresh will help.

  21. I've actually shocked my self and finished edits on my WIP! Ack, I know! SO this week I will have to write not one but two dreaded synopsis. Oh the torture that awaits me. Please tell me it will be OK. Even if you don't mean it, say it anyway. ;)

  22. I'll be keeing it simple again. My goal is to keep writing daily, no matter the busy-ness of being a mom, a Sunday School leader, and home-school parent, dancer chauffeur and allergy free cook. Daily writing definitely enhances my life.I started my writing blog so that is great! I'm recovering from an injury, and recovering is the only goal I seem to be able to make today. Good to hear you have an excercise routine that fits you perfect.

  23. Cool site, I hadn't noticed earlier in my searches!
    Carry on the excellent work!

  24. My goal is to have some changes made to a manuscript that an agent suggested before I meet with her. The changes aren't too involved, but I want to have it done right so I can pitch with confidence.

    Wish you were going to be at the conference!

  25. Hhhhmmmm, my goal is to work on some character sketches this week and not get too depressed over the fact that I am not going to ACFW. :)

  26. WTG, Jill...You should be getting in about 2 miles a day with your dog. :)

    I'm sticking with my same goal as the conference is this week...Be prepared it and enjoy it.
    Have a good one...

  27. My last job on my to do list is to go through my drawers. I'm tired. I've been so full of doing everything else. It was all better stuff. So next week I need to do two drawers and plan for a vacation to New England. Can't wait.

  28. My goal is to get more done, all the way around. Got kinda lazy on holiday. Enjoy your weekend!

  29. Jill:
    I refined two scripts for drama ministry. I also studied a possible script for our Christmas presentation.
    This week, I have to start work on one of the newsletters I do. And I hope to do some research on the costume requirements for that possible Christmas presentation.


I love to hear from you!