Monday, September 20, 2010

Childlike Tantrums

Tantrums? Me? Never!

Maybe I rarely throw physical tantrums like stamping my feet and wailing, but I have been known to throw an inner tantrum or two.

An unscheduled appointment interrupts my writing time? My inner whiner comes out.

My trusty mini-van becomes untrustworthy? Drat, drat, drat.

Yes, I will admit I sometimes throw emotional tantrums when things don't go my way.

It's hard, well, maybe impossible to always see the good in whatever happens to us, but life moves on and before we know it, the incident has passed.

I probably should say something like "don't waste your time throwing a tantrum on trivial things." But then I'd be a hypocrite. I have a feeling I'll always throw an inner hissy fit when my car acts up or I lose out on writing time. (No, I'm not having car problems. This is hypothetical. But if I wake up tomorrow and my van is having issues, I'm going to freak out.)

Do you ever throw emotional tantrums?

Join me on Wednesday when we discuss waiting for direction.


  1. Sometimes I think because my tantrum is only in my head it is better than the loud, whiny person in front of me. Pride and choosing to look at the good get in my way at times... :O)

  2. Um, always, several a day! I'm working on the idea that the only person who can make things into a big deal is me. I'm always telling the kids that throwing a tantrum just makes everyone feel worse and it doesn't fix anything. I'm working on adopting that attitude when things go wrong for me!

  3. I do depend on a set schedule to meet my writing goals, so when unexpected situations interrupt that schedule, it can be annoying. I guess those are the times I have to bring along a pen and notebook, to keep the writing going even by just jotting down notes.

  4. Yeah, I so throw emotional tantrums. And often, that's when God knocks me upside the head. lol... I have to learn to rein in my thoughts and to keep that positive attitude. Even if I don't wanna!

  5. Yup, I'll have a meltdown if the car isn't running. For the most part, I'm here by myself during the day so if I have a verbal outburst and speak in tongues, no one hears me. (-;

  6. Yup, I have inner tantrums. When its about big stuff, I tend to just get really grumpy. Thankfully I have a group of friends that let me vent but won't let me play victim!

  7. I think everyone has inner tantrums! I know I do and then I try to turn it around and look on the sunny side of things. Which is easier said than done. lol

  8. Sadly, I throw far too many to count! This post hits home with me, I need to have a serious Time Out:)

  9. Nothing can make me throw a real tantrum better than when the phone rings at 6:30 A.M. and one of my daughters says, "Mom, the kids are sick." Yup, grandma duty. My day is shot, and I usually end up getting sick too because no good grandma deed ever goes unpunished.

  10. Diane: Yeah, loud and whiney is never a good thing! It's good we keep it inside!

    Kelly: I'm much better at giving advice than taking it. :)

    Joanne: That's good advice. Maybe I could avoid the tantrum by being prepared? :)

    Ralene: I don't wanna, either. Waa! Ha!

    CJ: Ha! Speaking in it!

    Lynn: Yes, venting is necessary, but playing victim isn't!

    CMOM: It's hard to always see the sunshine, but I try!

    Tamika: A time out on the couch sounds kind of nice right now, actually. :)

    Em: No good grandma deed goes unpunished, but they're lucky to have you!

    Susan M: Me too! Glad I'm not alone!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. Am I a woman with sometimes too much on my plate?? The answer is yes. They have gotten less with age but still raise their ugly heads quite oten! Watch out if I am tired and something goes wrong!

  12. Oh goodness, yes. And I think it's perfectly normal for us to do so. We can't always be composed and patient, though it is a happy thought!

  13. Hi Jill -

    Doesn't everyone? If I'm sleep deprived, it's much better for me and everyone else if I stay in my cave.

    Susan :)

  14. Totally, Jill. I'd guess that everyone does. Sometimes I try to take a step back and see how my mind is working when I'm upset. That helps me when I'm writing a character who is having one of those inner fits:-)

  15. Terri: That's what Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies are for, right? :)

    Melissa: True! I feel better now...

    Susan JR: Ha! I'm staying in my cave next time I get all grumpy!

    Paul: Everything's fodder for our characters--yes? :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  16. I think everyone does . . . and sometimes to make myself laugh, I do stomp my feet a few times in a kind of march step. Usually, that actually breaks the cycle. Of course, I can't do that in public.

    It's actually something my husband started . . . he said something one day, when I was whining about "oh, just stomp your feet about it, then." And I did, and we laughed. I am a little embarassed to admit that, but laughter and thankfulness are the only ways I can't keep myself from going to "grump" mode in my head sometimes.

  17. Have you been spying on me? I apologize for my behavior. (blushing, eyes cast to the ground in shame) I've been throwing an emotional and physical tantrum since April....But it appears, life is about to take a turn for the home is in the final stages of reconstruction after all the natural disasters that messed it up this summer, so my attitude is on the mend. :)

    I promise to be a big girl from now on (unless we get hit by another flood, hailstorm or other natural disaster in the next 6 months...and then I'm leaving!)...

  18. Of course I do. How thankful I am that the people who love me endure.

  19. We're having our house tented for termites this weekend. I have to move everything that we eat, touches food and our skin out of here. Imagine the fun! I feel drained and spent and yes I badly want to throw a tantrum, but wont. It's never landed me anywhere. ;)

  20. Tyrean: What a great idea! I'm trying it!

    Sharon: Ha! No, you have every reason to throw a hissy! Trust me, I would have!

    Cassandra: Thank goodness for our patient loved ones. Mine deserve a medal!

    T.Anne: Uggh!! That's horrible. I'm so sorry. If I lived closer, I would lend a hand. *hugs*

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  21. Oh yes, there have been plenty of tantrums on the inside. It's something I'm working on, that's for sure. Confessing to be a good work in progress!

  22. I don't really throw the tantrums. What I do is hold it in and then at the worst possible moment, I explode.
    *cringe* Not very good. I think it might be better to have the occasional tantrum. Kind of like turning the release valve. ;-)

  23. Oh, yes. And sometimes I let the t. word out. That's no fun. I like the bouncy me best.

  24. inner tantrum becomes an outer one. That's when I know it's bad, but usually tantrums just mean tears. haha. But at least I get it out!

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