Friday, May 6, 2011

When Writing Attacks!

With the onslaught of television shows chronicling every type of addiction or survival, I figured writers needed to be represented too. Which of these programs would describe your writing life?

Taboo, When Writing Attacks, Confessions: Obsessed Writer, or maybe even, I Survived?

For me, it would have to be Confessions: Obsessed Writer.

What is there to confess? A lot. For me, it's not just the exquisite rush of pounding out a rough draft or the taut pleasure of revising, it's the total  writing package. It's plotting, writing, revising, blogging, reading, studying, critiquing, and social networking. It's updating my website, creating an article, offering my speaking services. Some writers loathe building a platform. I adore it. I love chatting with writers on Twitter, following the status updates of favorite authors on Facebook, reading blogs, checking out books from the library, and devouring each month's Romance Writers Report.

Writing has taken over every aspect of my life. I think of topics for blog posts while whipping up a batch of cookies. I wonder how so-and-so blogger is doing while I load the dishwasher. My characters yell at me when I slog laundry in the washing machine. Scene twists appear in my head as I walk Sophie, our mini-dachshund. Every television show I watch somehow reminds me of my writing journey.

Even helping with my kids' track practice hammers home the constant need for practice, how hard work will make me a better writer. And dare I admit it--yes, I plot or read during baseball practice. It's a long, season folks!

I pray about my writing. I fret about it. I delight in it.

So, I'm obsessed with writing. I'm okay with that!

What would you name your television show?

I'm at a track meet today, which means I'm mentally taking notes for a future novel, getting inspired to run the good race toward publication, oh, and cheering on my little athletes! I won't be moderating comments, but please leave one--I love reading your thoughts!


  1. Great post, Jill. At first, I'd probably call my writing reality show Dream On because publication felt so far out of reach. Now I'd call it From Dream to Reality because when writers are ready, those doors will open. Writing isn't for the faint of heart. Writing filters into every aspect of my life--that's how I knew I needed to write for my personal mental survival. I can't imagine not writing.

    Have fun at the track meet!

  2. I think mine would be Swamped People instead of Swamp People. These guyes have a deadline to catch these gators and they do it sun up to sun down. When their bait doesn't hook a gator, they find another way to lure them in. They have their own lingo which sometimes has to be put in captions because if you aren't a swamp person, you don't understand it. They're a community of people who help each other out when a line's been cut. If you're a writer, you'll see the parallel! Also when they meet their quota they throw a big whoopty-doo! I like that part!

  3. I have no idea. But Dream On is a great one!

  4. Life in Chaos. That would be mine. I'm constantly juggling way too much. Enjoy the track meet! I'm off to a soccer tournament for the weekend.

  5. Fun question...I'll go w/ Eternal sunshine of the over-stimulated mind.

    Happy Mother's Day!
    ~ Wendy

  6. Excellent post, Jill. I'd probably call mine, It's a Good Thing. :-)

    Praying about our writing is what God wants us to do. It's a good thing. When I KNOW that I know that I know my writing is great, I am a proud mama. Because my stories are my babies too.

    Have fun at the track meet. Ivy has district horse show this weekend. *cross fingers*

    Happy Mother's Day, Jill. (((hugs)))

  7. Writing 101, that's what I'd call it. Still learning how to do it right!

    Happy Mother's Day, Jill!

  8. It's early in California and my sweet tea is decaf, so my creative juices are sluggish. What comes to my fuzzy mind is Writing: The Rigors and Rewards. Writing is work, but the rewards are so worth it. There's nothing like spending time with my characters, feeling the thrill of getting a scene to work, or coming up with a metaphor that does exactly what I wanted.

    Happy Mother's Day, Jill. Have fun at the track meet. I hope you have your sunscreen.

  9. I think Mine would be called I Survived!!LOL GOt two rejections in one week and am still breathing:)

  10. These are hysterical. I'm going with Writer, Interrupted.

  11. Hi Jill,

    I LOVE "Dream On", as I've been pursuing the writing dream for years. Now that I'm actually signed and working on a book, it could easily be called something like "How to Write a Book (and Hold Onto Your Sanity) While Doing One Million Other Things". LOL

    It's a juggling act, but God's grace is sufficient.

  12. I'd name it The Write Race, because I've learned that the writing life is one of joy, but also perseverance and endurance.

    Don't let my husband know, but sometimes I scribble notes and read blogs while he's playing softball ;-)Have fun at the track meet, Jill!

  13. "A Big Ol' Helping of Mashed Potatoes With a Side of Gravy, Please!" Yep. That would be mine, Jill. #1--it's my favorite comfort food. #2--Kinda describes what I write (heartfelt, homespun, contemporary Christian makes me feel good!) and #3--Mashed potatoes can be a little messy, but oh, so delicious! Just like life sometimes.)

    Right on the money post! I loved it!

  14. I like the Life in Chaos--so describes my life. But I think I'd go with Writer Mamas Beware.

  15. Critical Life ~ I constantly examine things, look at how the dynamics are, how people behave and how it could fit into my writing.

    Happy Mother's Day Jill!

  16. "So You Think You Can Write" - Some days I think - I can do this. Other days I wonder what in the world I'm doing. Plus, I LOVE "So You Think You Can Dance."

  17. I think my TV show about writing would be "Tales from the Rejected Side." I have had a lot more rejections than acceptances. I used to get very down about them.

  18. "The Midnight Writer"

    Have a great weekend! Happy Mother's Day!

  19. About now I'd say "Extreme Novel Makeover" as I work through another major revision.

    Blessings to you, Jill. Have a good weekend.


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