Monday, January 21, 2013

The Power of Being Positive

Over the holidays, I read a book that changed my life.

Change Your Words, Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer, more than lives up to its title. It came along at the perfect time for me, too. I'd just prayed about and determined the word I would focus on for 2013: Dream (you can read about it HERE), but the dregs of a year-long case of the blues still lingered. It's hard to get out of a funk!

Ms. Meyer's book convicted me from the opening chapters. I saw how negative I'd been, how much easier it was to slip into well-I-guess-this-is-it mentality than to push beyond that.

**For the record, the only thing I was really down about last year was my lack of forward progress in publishing. The most important part of my life--my family--was chugging along fine, and I've never taken that for granted.**

Anyway, I'd purchased a small notebook when I was Christmas shopping. It had a cardinal on the cover, and cardinals have been a symbol of hope for me for about three years. I slipped it in my purse to jot down any random thing that I felt like recording, but I also used it to write key points from Change Your Words, Change Your Life.

One of my favorite bits of advice is to constantly affirm statements of power. The book contains about fifty or sixty of them, and they were all backed up with Bible passages. God expects us to have spirits of power and to put our full trust in Him. We were not designed to have spirits of timidity or weakness. By meditating on and speaking positive passages about our lives, we can loosen the binds of insecurity so prevalent in our lives.

I've come back to several affirmations again and again, and every time I read them, I get a peaceful feeling, like why was I worrying? God's got this!

Satan likes to poke at our sore  points. He knows exactly what to do to throw us into a fearful frame of mind, and this can result in inappropriate anger, arguments or self-punishment. One such sore point was poked this weekend, and I reacted as normal--getting mad then worrying. After a long walk in which two Bible passages repeated over and over, God helped me realize the sore point was completely untrue. I was able to head back home and diffuse the situation.

I wouldn't have been able to do that six months ago.

It's strange too, but I've been focusing on ten Bible passages about being strong in God, having an abundance of Godly friendships, and being content right now. And guess what? These things are snowballing in my life.

We all have hard times. Sometimes these hard times last a long, long time. The circumstances in my life have not changed--but my attitude has. And that's made all the difference.

Interested in Joyce's book? Here's my Goodreads review,, links to purchase it are in the upper left corner of the page.

How do you stay positive?

Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. Wonderful post, Jill! I haven't read Meyer's books but she's a smart lady.
    How do I stay positive? I don't know. But when I get bummed I usually pick up the Bible and that helps a lot.

    1. This is the first book I've read of hers, Jessica, and I plan on reading more! I agree--the Bible always helps my frame of mind! :)

  2. Such an uplifting and encouraging post, Jill! I've sore points poked lately too. And I've found scripture really helps--like healing balm on those tender places. I've read several of Joyce Meyer's books, but never this one. Me thinks I may grab it!


    1. Ooo, I love that--healing balm. So true! I also think Satan attacks us heavily when we're most vulnerable.

  3. I read that book, too, and really loved it. So good!

  4. I love how our attitude affects so much. Well, love it and hate it at the same time. Because sometimes, my bad mood is my own fault!

    1. Same here, Lindsay. It's hard when I know it's my fault but I still sit in it. Uggh!!!

  5. Jill, thanks for the book recommendation and cheers to positivity!

    I'm a pretty upbeat gal, but that's because I've walked the valley. When we endure heartache and times of testing and survived, everything else seems like gravy!

    Happy Monday! :)

    1. Wise words, Cynthia. The worst times make everything else seem not so bad. Thanks!!

  6. I agree with Cynthia. Thinking back to a near-death experience always puts things into perspective. Also listening to someone else's story makes me realize mine isn't as bad as I think it is.

    1. How scary! I'm glad you've been able to use a terrible time for good. I agree too that other people's story tend to put my problems in perspective.

  7. Great post!! I would have to agree with the others. Living in a valley and coming out hand in hand with God sure puts a better perspective on things. Attitude and trust in God are so important. Thanks for that reminder...and i definitely need to read the book!

    1. I love how you put that--"living in a valley and coming out hand in hand with God," rings true in my life. Thank you!!

  8. Love Joyce! I read several of her books, and watch her on TV when I can.

    To stay positive, I try to remember that God is always walking right next to me. It's not always easy to do, but I do it. Our words and actions speak for us...and to us.

  9. Jill, I really admire your faith. I don't talk about mine much, but I sure do see what you mean about those sore points! Great stuff for me to keep in mind. Thanks!

    Have a great weekend,

    1. Thanks, Kathy! We all have our sore points, don't we? I don't always recognize mine, so it's been freeing to realize, "oh, I'm acting this way because I'm being attacked!"

  10. No way! I just heard about this book this past week in Colorado when I caught her on TV and thought I needed to read it. Now I know I do!

    Love your word, too!

    1. I think you would love it, Susan. It's just full of good things. I really love all the affirmations she shared--simple things to help me return my focus to a positive, powerful frame of mind. I'm already seeing results. Try it!

  11. Your post goes along with the "Psychology of Winning" CD I heard last week. Thanks for sharing, Jill.

    1. Ooo, that sounds like a great CD. I might have to borrow it, Shay!

  12. That is so awesome, Jill. I have found other Joyce Meyer books to be helpful. I have been doing pretty much the same thing as you suggest for a long time. You are right, it is hard to get past the negative stuff. I must always press on with the positive.

    I believe you have encouraged many people today. You encouraged me.

    1. I'm so glad, Nancy. I can't take the credit, though--this book really helped me turn my attitude around. I typed up many of the affirmations and am saying them out loud the way Joyce suggested. It's been such a help on fighting the doubts that assault me. :)

  13. Excellent post, Jill. I truly, truly try to stay positive. But it is hard so times. I've never tried saying affirmations, but that could help me through bumps in the road for sure!

  14. How do I stay positive? Truly? HONESTLY??
    My faith that God is making me exactly what he wants me to be.


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