Friday, June 11, 2010

One Goal Friday: June 11, 2010

Love these Fridays! I hope you all had a terrific week and were able to meet your goals.

Last week, my goal was to polish my synopsis and query. I worked on both, but neither is quite ready. I feel good that I made strides toward my goal.

Here are your goals:

Heather: 5k words and critique three chapters for c.p.
Terri: Finish critiquing one of c.p.'s books
Kelly: Fill out rough outline and make research list
Wendy: Redo the author pics (I'm sure they turned out wonderful!)
CJ: Make sure the Young One picks her college classes for the fall (the invites are incredible!)
Katie: Another 10K words
Jen: Lose another pound, finish the rough draft of article, and compliment 100 people
Jennifer S: Write that speech
Hannah: Finish essay on Feminist Criticism and write graduation speech (Congrats, Hannah!)
Georgiana: Start next project--woo-hoo!
Maria: Finish three devotions (and good luck with the crit. group!)
Diane: Treadmill time
Cindy: Finish critiquing one book for c.p.
Nancy: Get the house in order
Common H.M: Plant 8 petunias and get caught up on work :)
Quiet Spirit: Memorize script (sounds interesting)
Karen L: Walk several miles
Kara: Read craft books and write down all ideas to sift through for new WIP
Susan JR: Put the new knowledge in practice

I wish I could call each one of you and be like, "Did you make it? How's that writing/walking/orgainizing going?" I'm so glad you're willing to share your goals with me each week. Isn't it funny how similar we all are?

My new goal is to spend a few wonderful (and children-free) days with my darling husband! It's our anniversary on June 18, and I want him to know how much I love him. Sixteen years! Can you believe it? I was a child bride...okay, maybe not...have a fabulous weekend!

Please leave your goal in the comment section. Newcomers are welcome to participate, and don't worry if you can't stop by every Friday--my blog's goal isn't to add stress but to be a place of support.

I will not have access to the Internet until Monday, but please leave your goals. I can't wait to read how you did and what your plan for next week is!


  1. Great job on your goal, Jill! Synopses are HARD!

    I did meet my goal! And honestly, there were a few moments when I thought, "Oh, what does it matter if I get these words in today?" and then I thought how I posted my goal for all the world to see on your blog. There's something wonderful about accountability. :)

  2. Good luck on your synopsis!

    I DID write my speech. Now I just have to give it...

  3. Love your goal for this week... have fun & happy anniversary!

    I met my goal of writing and detailing research last week. This week my goal is to figure out my work situation and decide for sure what I will be doing come September.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!
    And congrats to all those who met their goals! Or even posted some. lol

  5. Congrats on making headway on your goal! Happy Anniversary and enjoy your mini-honeymoon. The Young One has tentatively picked out her classes. She'll be attending an Open House on Mon. to finalize her choices and finish the process.

  6. I didn't quite meet the first part of my goal, but I went way past on the second part, so I guess I did okay.

    Happy anniversary to you and your husband. My husband and I are celebrating our thirteenth on June 14. We are also celebrating from afar, so I'm setting my goals for the next two weeks as I'll be a little scarce around the internet next week.

    My goal is to have this current WIP complete and self-edited by the Friday, June 25. That's two weeks from now. And now I have to b/c I've written it here in black and white.

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Here's to 16! years. I'm pleased with the pics. this time and will post them Sun.
    ~ Wendy

  9. Happy Anniversary!
    That's great.
    My goal?
    To at least crank out 1000 words this weekend at our family reunion.
    We stay all weekend at a local advent christian retirement village, and swim, play, talk, catch up...and for Kelly, write!

    Good luck with all your goals

  10. Trouble with comments today..
    If this shows twice..Sorry!
    Congrats on your your WIP and Happy Anniversary.
    My goal is to complete Creative Boot Camp, completely-to not skip one day!
    Have a great week.

  11. Don't call me, I didn't make it. No goal listed until I get myself back in gear here. :O)

  12. Didn't fare so well on my goal this week. A speaking engagement for my church ladies' group took precedence over writing. I'm keeping my goal the same for next week! Congratulations on your anniversary! Enjoy your celebration! Hugs & Blessings!

  13. Happy anniversary!!! Ok, so my goal each week is to take a photograph (some sort of self assignment for photography biz) however, on the writing front...I think the goal is to start writing every other day and see what I come up with in a week. Maybe a story? maybe not. I don't know...but if i stick to the goal..maybe by next Friday I'll know :)

  14. Editing chapter 2 of my YA. I hope everyone has a great week!

  15. Happy anniversary! Hope your time together is all romantical. :)

    My goal this past week was to relax, and I'm glad to report it was a smashing success. Next week? Down to work...blowing the dust off my ms and getting down to serious business.

  16. Yay for 16 years!

    I finished all the critiquing I had to do so I am onto the next task. I made myself make up my mind about my stories, so I am back to work on the WIP. My goal is 23 K by next Friday.

  17. My only goal next week is to write everyday. I've been gone from blogging and writing for a month and I miss both terribly!

  18. My goal next Friday is to finish outlining my book and start writing.

  19. Strides are better than no strides, am I right? :P Congrats on 16 years! My hubs and I celebrate 8 on the 15th (hooray for June weddings!).

    My goal for this week is to make it to Florida in one piece (and truck hopefully not break down!) to enjoy some time off with the family...oh, and to get at least get my first draft finished so I can start some edits (because that's realistic on vacation, right?!)

    Happy Weekend! :)

  20. Phew! Sounds like your goal was hard this time!!

    I got both of mine finished, luckily! I won't find out until Monday the results of the graduation speech contest. Everyone cross your fingers for me!

    This week's goal is to have the perserverance and determination to push through studying for finals that are on Monday. If I do regularly well on these I'll have an A in both classes (and my other two)! YAY!

    Talk to you soon,

  21. I did get treadmill time, not as much as I wanted, but I got some.

    This week my goal is to fight the passive voice. I struggle with passive voice and on this one essay I'm doing I got feedback about passive voice...again. ARGH. Usually, when someone mentions it's passive I can spot it, but this time I've gone blind. So, I'm on a mission to slay the passive dragon.

  22. Thanks for keeping us on track, Jill. I look forward to these Friday posts.

    Congrats on sixteen years! Trophy time for both of you!!! Enjoy.

    I made all my goals, except the 100 compliments, but I gave perhaps 20.

    This week I'd like to lose another pound and finish the index on my book.

    Love you,

  23. Happy Anniversary!

    I did meet my goal, and hope to continue the same next week. Also want to finish and submit two articles and start on new lessons for my teen writing class for the fall.

    Happy weekend!

  24. Sounds like we are on the same page. Your goal is mine! Slowly moving forward on the synopsis. Evil, I tell you, evil!

    Found you at Random Thoughts. :)

  25. Hi Jill -

    I met my goal and edited the first chapter of, "The Moses Conspiracy," using the Genesis critique as a guide.

    Next week, I want to apply those techniques to at least two more chapters.

    Susan :)

  26. Happy anniversary!

    My goal for this week was to do laundry, clean my apartment, and go grocery shopping before Sunday. And I did it! WOOHOOO!!!

  27. Happy Anniversary!

    My goal for this next week: 12K words on the ms.

  28. Jill--I have an award for you over at my blog. I truly appreciate your Friday posts getting me on task!

  29. ooh, good for you on working on the synopsis. Your determination gives me motivation

  30. Have a great time away with your husband and good luck with that synopsis. They're my least favorite part about writing.

    Anyway, so glad I found your inspiring blog from a link on Sharon Mayhew's blog. Thanks!

  31. I met one goal - got those 8 petunias planted - and made significant progress toward the other goal - getting caught up on my work. Publishing my intent on your blog was a good incentive. Thanks.

    Your goal for this week sounds like a dream goal. Happy Anniversary.

  32. Happy Anniversary Jill! My goal is to get a chance to read blogs that I follow and leave a comment at least once during the week. :) These past 2 weeks were a bit hectic and I miss everyone!

  33. Happy Anniversary!!!

    My goal (really, just one?) is to finish our main home school lessons, stay calm during dance production (recital) week, and find time to relax each day.

  34. Aw, have a great anniversary!
    My goal for this week is to finish reading Invisible Man and not get fired.
    I think I've met all of m goals that I've posted on this blog. Thanks for being such a great place of support!

  35. Happy Anniversary!! How wonderful to go away with just your hubby:)
    You did great with your goal.
    I actually got an hour in the library with my oldest child to read and write ideas. I was so excited. I've been trying to keep up with it each day. Feels good:)


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