Friday, January 9, 2015

The Weekend Resolutions Die

For years I made resolutions each January. I had big goals, and I had plenty of them! One I made over and over was to get healthier. I would make a detailed outline of exactly how I would lose weight, fit better in my jeans and glow with health.

In 2000, I followed Marilu Henner's plan for a solid three months. Talk about difficult! It was so restrictive--it exhausted me. I never did get that clear skin and unstoppable energy she raved about. In fact, I'd say it was the worst I'd felt in years.

I've counted calories, tried various workouts and enjoyed the burst of hope each time I started a new plan. But eventually, the health kick motivation faded, and I returned to my old habits. Often it faded in one week.

Yes, this weekend, the second in January, is the weekend resolutions will die. Mine did many times.

I stopped making grandiose resolutions seven years ago. I was tired. Tired of getting my hopes up only to fail. And I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I was in pretty good shape anyhow. I've always stayed active even without a master plan. I'm not at the weight I want to be, but I'm not setting  myself up to fail anymore.

In December a few friends and I started drinking lots of water. Some of us drink a gallon a day. I aim for 3 liters, which is 3/4 of a gallon. I figure ONE good habit is doable. Believe it or not, I feel better drinking all that water, and it pushed me to exercise more often.

It's fine to improve my life as long as I don't fall into the trap of perfection. Flat abs are nice but not necessary for happiness. We need to enjoy each day as much as possible, whatever our weight!

Did you make a resolution this year? Do you see yourself continuing after this weekend?

Stay warm out there!!

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  1. Terminal illness has given me one resolution - live to see tomorrow, no matter what.

    In a sense, every day is my best fresh start.

    1. Those are wise words for all of us. Every day is my best fresh start. Love it! How are all your dogs?

  2. They're all doing well, and are barking hello as I write. (I yelled out, "Jill says Hi!").

    The past couple of days were a bit trying, and two of them would not let me get up, or work. One of the Pit Bulls would gently push me away from my laptop, and close the lid.

    Then she would sit on it. I wonder if the case is rated for 80 lbs of Pit Bull?

    My Service Heeler will sit across my legs (I usually sit on the floor),and if I try to move she nips at my nose. I am supposed to stay STILL. Heelers are bossy, but this is ridiculous.

    1. Aww! Dogs are so great, but they can be needy! I hope your case is rated for large weights! My mini-dachshund ran across my laptop keys yesterday. Ugh! But they need us. :)

  3. Hi Jill,

    I quit with New Year's resolutions a long time ago as well - I figure if I need to make a change I should make it today, or any day, not just wait until New Year's comes along and try to make them all at once. Just before the holidays a friend posted this link on the cost of getting lean. The Pictograph at the bottom of the article is great - it confirmed what I had suspected for years... I am not willing to give up what I would have to give up in order to have that "perfect" fitness model body... and I'm happy with that. I've got a real body that is fit, healthy and enables me to enjoy my life (which occasionally includes rich food, drinks & couch time). Oddly enough, having it spelled out for me in a picture allowed me to make my peace with where I am and gave me a realistic goal on where I might want to be.

    Happy new Year! Look forward to reading your book in the spring. :)

    1. Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm so with you on this, Kelly! I'm off to check out the infographic now. Thanks for sharing it!!

  4. I don't do resolutions anymore. By Jan 2, they had fizzled. Now, I try to pick a word for the year to aspire to.

    1. Same here, CJ!! I hope your word brings you great things this year!


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