Friday, December 19, 2014

My Week of Delusional Thinking

I had big plans for this week. I love when I get in delusional mode! I get all this energy.

On Sunday, I really believed that all week I would overhaul my website and finish shopping and start baking. Easy-peasy!

Well, everything that could go wrong with my website did, causing me to spend hours trying to fix the bugs. (I learned a lot about webhosts, Wordpress, plug-in problems and a slew of other website glitches! There will be a blog post about it in the future.) I'm now estimating a month before it's finished. But I'm excited because all the wrong turns led me to make a firm decision about what I wanted. 

And the shopping? I spent hours at the indoor mall, then a strip mall, a few superstores, and an outdoor mall. It took about three times as long as I allotted, but I am done! 

The baking didn't happen as planned either, but we do have a batch of peanut blossoms, and I'm pretty happy about that. 

To offset the craziness, I went to a cute restaurant for snacks and cocktails with friends last night. There's something therapeutic about chatting with people in similar life patterns. We all have children the same ages, and we're all working moms. Plus it gave me an excuse to wear my sparkly shirt and wear lipstick. I had a great time!

Seven years ago I lived in a strange state and often drove to the supermarket disoriented. I would think, am I really here? That Christmas season was difficult. I went through the motions, and I have good memories of the holiday, but I also remember not really feeling much.

This year I'm feeling everything, and it's good!

I'm all over the place--frustrated to tears because I had to download Wordpress four times, my theme refusing to work. Or standing in front of a display for thirty minutes trying to pick the best color of a gift, worrying it won't be loved, only to return it two hours later. And then taking a break to hum Christmas carols as I rolled cookie dough into balls and unwrapped Hershey kisses at the speed of light.

Yes, I might be delusional, but I'm excited, and that's the best feeling! 

Today I'll cram in way more than I can chew, and at the end of the day I'll laugh because none of my efforts came close to what I hoped. That's how life is. And to me, that's part of faith. Embracing the fact I'm not perfect--not even close--and laughing because God wouldn't love me more if I was! 

If you're beating yourself up about the Christmas rush, take a deep breath and smile. Just smile. It feels good, doesn't it?

What do you get delusional about this time of year?

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. mostly everything, Jill, lol. I thought I had this holiday under control - all the gifts were purchased by Thanksgiving, I was almost done with my WIP, I could see smooth sailing. Then I hit a snag with the WIP. Then I started remembering little things - like bebe's teacher gift - that I forgot to buy. But I finished EVERYTHING this week, the WIP is now with my editor and I'm ready to start baking tomorrow.

    1. I always forget the little gifts too! Yikes!! And I'm sooooo proud of you for pushing through and finishing everything! Woo-hoo!!

  2. That I'll have Christmas cards made, addressed and gifts bought by Halloween. Looks like Christmas cards are turning into Vernal Equinox cards. Yeah, I can get them all made by March. Easy peasy!

    1. Haha!! Vernal Equinox cards! Oh my!! Too funny!!

  3. No delusions; just the reality of 26 rescued dogs, and their barking is a carol of its own, all the sweeter for its innocence.

    1. Nothing like sweet doggie barks to make me smile! Have a very merry Christmas, Andrew!!

  4. HAHA that title is awesome...and it pretty much does describe my week...and kind of my whole month. I had high (and delusional) hopes of accomplishing SO much this month. And while a couple of the big things did in fact get done, a lot of other stuff didn't. I've had a few panicky moments...but thankfully as of this coming Sunday, things will slow down at least a little bit and I'm actually taking a few days off work AND writing. It is going to be a shock to the system...but a good shock to the system.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Jill!

    1. What?? You're taking a couple days off? Woo-hoo!! You need it! R&R--the best shock to they system!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!


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