Monday, January 25, 2010

The Right Writing Habits?

I hear a collective sigh of relief that last weeks' financial posts are out of the way. Phew! I know, I know, discussing finances is dry stuff. That's why this week, I've saved the best for last. We've been talking about what we're doing right in January. Next stop: writing.

What writing habits are working for you? Which one could you absolutely not live without?

It's a hard question for me to answer because so many things contribute to my writing progress. Here's my short list of habits that work for me.

- Goals. I set annual and daily goals. I review them every week. Yes, I could improve on this by sticking to weekly goals too, but why beat myself up for not being perfect?

- Write every weekday. I don't always meet my word count, but I write something every day. It keeps me sharp, continues my progress, and solidifies my concept of myself as a writer.

- Protect my writing time. This automatically protects my downtime. My family does not appreciate it when I've wasted my writing time and try to sneak productivity at night. Frankly, it makes me feel bad. It's not necessary, so I don't do it. I'm fully able to meet my goals during the time I've set aside, but procrastination is not an option.

What's the one thing you do that keeps you writing?

Welcome to all the new followers!

And sorry, everyone, but spammers found my blog, so I had to enable word verification again.

Join me on Wednesday when we'll discuss how habits are vital to writers.


  1. My crti partners usually keep me accountable and motivate to write when they e-mail me, "Hey, when's that next chapter going to be ready?" LOL
    But I've also set a weekly word goal that seems to be keeping me on the straight and narrow. :)

  2. Excellent point about guarding my writing time. I do not want to negate my family, so I do need to make goos use of the writing time that I do have.

    I enjoy writing so writing every day just deepens my commitment.

  3. Like you, I write something every weekday, because it's good for discipline and claiming that writer title. Making sure it happens during the morning hours (when I'm most creative and productive) is still difficult, though, because I've got a preschooler at home. I have my habits and techniques, but I know they'll solidify (such a good word!) next year, when she's in school all day with her sister.

  4. I had spammers attack my blog too. And once I turned on my verification again, it stopped. It's a bummer, but I'm grateful not to get the spam anymore!

    It's easy for us to find ways to procrastinate. But as you said, if we do, then we feel bad when we're trying to make up for it during family time. I try to remind myself of that when I start twittering when I should be writing! :-)

  5. Goals do it for me too. I'm very disciplined, so knowing I've set a word count or a date I want to be done with _____ helps.

    I also put a piece of chocolate on the keyboard. Kidding. ;)
    ~ Wendy

  6. I know one habit that is NOT working for me....eating. I have this thing about chewing while I write. Ice used to work, until I chipped a tooth. Gum gives me a headache because I'm a chomper. So, still looking for an alternative. I think better when my mouth is engaged ;)

  7. Sounds like this is a great plan. I too try and write every weekday. Sometimes I even find the time on weekends. It is crucial for me to protect my writing time because I don't consider this a hobby. I really do consider this a job. My own company. I really want to see it succeed and glorify the Lord in the process. Thanks for the great post Jill!

  8. I'm an itinerary person, daily, weekly and long term. It really keeps me on schedule, and I pretty much stick to it as the days go by, accomplishing one thing at a time, moving forward.

  9. Good Morning!

    Jennifer: Speaking of crit partners--I've got to e-mail you about one of yours!

    Tamika: There's a lot to juggle, isn't there? Motivation means everything.

    Janna: Having all the children in school makes 100% difference--trust me!!

    Jody: Sorry about your spammers. Yuck! And Twitter--I know! It's so much easier to check FB & Tw. than to sit and write!

    Wendy: I'm totally trying the chocolate trick :)!!

    Georgiana: This is a problem, but there are solutions. When my dad quit smoking, he kept baby carrots by his side all the time. It kept his mouth occupied, had few calories, and was good for him. Try it!

    T.Anne: "My own company." True. I feel the same way. Sometimes I'll think, if I had a boss, would I be farting around? No.

    Joanne: Me too! They really keep me motivated. And if I drop the ball, just looking at my lack of progress will pump me back up.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. My best habit is to work on something every morning. That's the time I do my best. I've learned I can fix something no matter how bad it is, but I can't fix nothing. I write in down and work on it and steady work habits got my prose in print.
    Thanks for your post.

  11. I set short term goals. Like this week my goal is to rewrite at least one chapter per day. I write everyday, sometimes I miss one of the weekend days. I tend to have more than one project going so when I need distance from one there is something else to work on. I think this helps in terms of not wasting time.

  12. I force myself to write something every day. Even if stinks, at least I'm writing something.

  13. Rather than write EVERY DAY, I prefer a goal of a REGULAR writing practice. That means, almost every day, but I can give myself a pass every now and again. Like I do with physical exercise. I aim for 4-5 days/week. Most weeks, I make that goal. Other weeks? Not so much. But I kick myself into gear if two days have passed without working out. That third day, I say, NO EXCUSES. I try and do the same with my writing. That works better for me than an every day commitment.

  14. The one thing that keeps me writing is the Holy Spirit, whispering ideas and words.

    A habit that really helps me? Get up EARLY and get those pages captured into files b/f the day moves in to swamp everything.


  15. I try to set goals to help keep me accountable. It's hard for the plotting stage of the novel, but it works really well for when I actually start writing.

    (I had to enable my word verification again, too--some weird spam coming through.)

  16. I try to write every evening. Sometimes it doesn't always work and that's ok. I set annual goals for myself, too, and try to be easy on myself. When I come down too hard on myself, that only fuels my resistance.

  17. Goals and deadlines, for sure. I'm all about checking things off lists and finishing projects.

    What isn't working right now? A lot of stuff, if how I'm feeling at the moment is accurate.

  18. John: Honoring our internal best times is a worthy habit. Thanks for sharing.

    Paul: I agree. If I'm feeling "eh" about one project, I can do some pre-writing for another. No lost days!

    Susan: Oh yes! Even if it stinks. First drafts are called first drafts for a reason.

    Patrice: Absolutely. Regularity is the key. Which reminds me--I must work out today!

    Patti: Love this. The Holy Spirit is always there for us. Wonderful.

    Cindy: I agree. The plotting stage is tough to stick to goals because it's different than a daily word count.

    Melissa: Yes, beating ourselves up only pushes us farther from our goals.

    Erica: It's January. That's 90% of the problem!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  19. Jill, thank you for reminding me! I need to set writing goals because I really don't have any. And also, you're welcome.

  20. Weekly goals help me keep going. I also plan weekends off, which spurs me to get projects done. I still write on the weekends sometimes, but knowing I can focus on stuff like cleaning and family stuff has been helpful. Good post, thanks!

  21. Angie: You might not think you do, but I'll bet they're hidden in there somewhere!

    Karen: I take weekends off, too. I have to! In fact, I try very hard to not do any kind of work, save cooking and dishes, on Sundays. It's a blessing to have a day of rest.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  22. Spammers found me too. And it was bad Jill. Pornography. Horrible. I didn't do the word verification, but I might have to.

    The one thing that keeps me writing is my heart to do it. I simply have to. But I agree not to let it interfere with family time. It has before. So I know not to let that happen. And I try to write every morning now. I get up way before the rooster. SHEESH.

    See you Wednesday my friend. Great post.

  23. Hi Jill -

    I moderate all my comments, which shuts down the spammers. Of course, it takes time and delays the posts showing up on the blog.

    Since I'm in a different stage of life, I have more time than those with young families. Still, a conscious effort is required to avoid procrastination.

    Susan :)

  24. I need to get some of these habits! My schedule is here and there, morning or night, one day or another. I need to get a set writing would probably help.

  25. Robyn: Sounds awful! So sorry about your spammers. And good for you getting up before the rooster!!

    Susan: I'll keep the comment moderation in mind. Enjoy this time!

    Tess: Hey, it gets done, right? I don't have a maniacal time, but it has to get done while the fam is out of the house, you know?

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  26. I should make some writing goals. Thank you for the gentle nudge!!! :O)

  27. I'm with Wendy with the chocolate. :0)

    Hmm... I'm working on establishing a more disciplined routine right now... I'll let you know how it goes!

  28. I posted about time management today...I tend to cut my writing time to do chores, errands, volunteering and ...napping. I am determined to break the cycle...

  29. I've slipped out of the writing habit the past month, but what worked for me before I slipped :) was just setting myself a time goal. And when I was easing into it, I made it quite short - 20 minutes. With me, it's the part about actually getting myself to sit down and pull up my WIP and start writing - once I conquer that, the 20 minutes becomes longer. But in the meantime, I happily deceive my mind by pointing out "it's only 20 minutes". It works really well for me!

  30. Critique partner deadlines are probably my biggest motivator. It helps to have people WAITING for my words. I know I have to get it done for them.

  31. What keeps me at my goals? The desire to finish what I've started. And of course knowing someday my critique partners will ask me:))

  32. Diane: Good luck!

    Kristen: You've had a lot going on this month. Take it easy.

    Sharon: I'm guilty of all those too. I get frustrated with myself when I push my writing aside, though.

    Belle: Welcome! It's so easy to slip out of the habit. Trust me, I know! A 20 minute goal is doable. I like it.

    Natalie: Accountability makes a huge difference!

    Terri: Oh, we will, Terri. We will!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  33. It's sort of that one talent thing in the Bible. I write because I don't want to waste my gift.

  34. I still struggle with putting everyone else's needs before my own. Protecting my writing time needs to be a bigger priority. No matter what I do, I hear "Mom. Mom. Mom!" lol I've recently set Fridays aside for my MS while my oldest is in school and my youngest gets a fun day.

  35. Nancy: Yes! I absolutely agree!

    CMOM: Oh, I know! It's so hard to set aside writing time. I think your Friday plan is terrific!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  36. I'm recording my daily writing activities in a planner. Knowing I'm going to see very few entries if I don't stick to my schedule motivates me to stay focused.

  37. Good question, ..I tend to jot down ideas when they come this make writing a bit easier and quicker.. as a rule of thumb for now I have to write at least 3 times a week for my blog as well as my thesis... i generally have a daily goal list I have not really thought of a writing time

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  39. I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills

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