Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Things I Miss from My Early Twenties

I know this is shocking, but I'm not in my twenties anymore. *gasp!!* We won't get into actual ages or anything, but if rings in a tree trunk tell the age of the tree, let's just say the lines in my forehead tell the age of me. :)

*cough* Thirty-one. *cough*  Okay. I lied. I'm older than that. And I'm crying about it!!

Age has gifted me with many things--focused ambition, perseverance, a desire to do God's will rather than my own--but it's also taken away some things.

Here are some things I miss from my early twenties.

1. Free time.

I married young, but even with a full-time job, full time classes at the university, and a relentless schedule, I managed to catch a movie here or there, shop just because, and read a book all the way through in one sitting. When I graduated college and only worked a full time job? The whole free time thing really opened up!

2. Free time.

I exercised regularly. Ate what I wanted when I wanted it. Fit a run in at any pocket of time available. My time was my own, and I loved it!

3. Free time.

I've been a stay-at-home mom for years, and I'm letting you in on a little secret--I don't have much free time. It's a choice, yes, one I'm thankful for and blessed with, but I spend every weekday, all day, writing or working on writing-related tasks. Evenings? Sports, homework, meals, any "emergency" that requires a run to the store or a load of laundry. Enough said.

4. Free time.

Back in the good old days, Saturdays meant sleeping in. Sleeping in is one of my favorite things to do. Saturday morning free time is something I really, really miss.

5. Free time.

Visiting our parents didn't require White House levels of planning. We hopped in a car, drove up north on a Friday night, and headed back home on Sunday afternoon. We could because we had free time.

My early twenties were far from perfect. I have some pockets of sadness left over from those days, as we all do. But the one thing I do miss--having time just for me.

This July and August, I will have free time again, and I'm anticipating every second of it!! Yay!!

What is lacking in your life right now? Is it a phase or permanent? Do you need help making peace with it?

Have an amazing Wednesday!!


  1. I still wonder why I didn't get more writing and working out accomplished in my twenties. I feel like I get more done now that I'm in my thirties. Maybe it's because after I had my son, I learned to value my time more. We just started t-ball, so I'm trying to get used to having something to do two nights every week. Honestly I'm not a big fan of it. I cherish my time at home with my family (and I'm a major homebody).

    1. I know! I think we're figuring out what to do with life in our early twenties. We don't realize we won't always have free time! (Good luck on the T-ball thing. We graduated to All Star teams a few years back and now a travel team. It's all-consuming!)

  2. Free time? What *is* that?

    Lacking...hmm...deeper question than I'd anticipated. Probably some more intentional planning on my part.

    ~ Wendy

  3. I totally relate to this! I just wish I would've discovered writing when I actually had free time :)

  4. I did discover writing way back then, but I didn't know how to turn an idea into a book. I had half a dozen chapters for various books, but none stuck!

  5. Ha! So true about early 20s. Free time? What's that? Been so long that I've forgotten!

    1. It does seem like a fantasy, doesn't it? It's been way too long!!

  6. Haha, I DON'T have kids and I still feel like I rarely have free time. What I miss from my twenties: LONDON!!!

    As for what's lacking from my life right now: sleep. For realz. :)

    1. It's an early twenties, thing, you know it is! The older we get, the less free time we have! Period!!

  7. Free time! LOL I'm right there with you.

  8. 31? That's all? 31? Lol. I'm old enough to be your mother, and you're making me feel like I have one foot in the grave and sinking fast! (-; I'm not ready to go, yet. Lol. What I have learned,as I have aged, I can see more possibilities for me. Eventually, your chickies won't need you as much, will be on their own. You'll bake the last batch of cookies for a bake sale. Pick up the last box of stuff from the college dorm and drag it home. And then you'll see more possibilities for yourself.

    1. Ceejay, I WISH I was 31!! I actually turned 40 this year. It was rough. R.O.U.G.H.!! I get sad thinking about no more bake sales and the kids moving out, but I like your attitude--life is full of possibilities!!

  9. I'm in my late 20s and have a lot of time, but I keep myself so busy. I'm learning to enjoy the time I'm in and take those moments of rest for what they are. I know when we have kids, everything will change. So for now, I'm just trying to work my job, write, and spend time with my husband and friends/family.

    But yeah, I wonder why I didn't get more done when Mike and I first married and he was in law school. Seriously, what DID I do with my time?!

    1. Ha, ha!! I know! I think back on when I finally graduated college. Scott had to work weekdays and Saturdays, but I worked Monday through Friday. I had every night and a FULL day on the weekend! And I have no idea what I did!! :)

      You have a great attitude, Lindsay. Being busy isn't so bad!

  10. Right now, I lack a bit of focus. I have a pot in so many fires I'm afraid what's cooking in pot #1 will be burned to a crisp by the time I reach pot #10. Part of that is having two kids, but the main part is having an unsupportive spouse who tolerates my writing but wishes I would make more money doing something else. I've created a ridiculously overwhelming schedule that is less than ideal by trying to bring in money from alternate sources so I can still keep writing.

    1. Ouch, I hear you, Cheryl. We're a one-income family too, and it was pretty stressful earlier in our marriage. I wrestle with wanting to contribute to our income, also. Over the years, I've waitressed, did part-time billing, and a few odd jobs that came my way. As I took my writing more serious, my hubby did too.

      He is my biggest champion now, and I know it's because of God. We've had some unique things happen in our lives, things that we can only attribute to God and His timing, and I'm so thankful for that.

      It wasn't always this way, though. We've had financial strains off and on throughout our marriage, and it's really, really hard to deal with.

      I don't know your situation, but I do know you'll find a way to make it work. Money is an issue in most marriages, mine included. I'll pray for you.

    2. Thanks Jill. I appreciate the prayers.

  11. Flexibility.
    Being able to move.
    When I was 23 I would ride my French road bike across Vancouver. I would ride for 3 or 4 hours. You could drop a cotton ball on my quads or my calves and it would bounce. I was insanely fit, not skinny, just WICKEDLY fit. Oh my word. I'd have friends make me show them my legs.
    Not so much. Add a serious back injury and 4 kids and 27 years of life?
    Man, I MISS MY BIKE!! And those legs.

    But the writing is an adventure on its own, and it's been a blast.

    1. I'm so sorry, Jennifer. Being mobile is something I am blessed with, and like you, I love being outdoors, riding my bike! Or walking. I pray that your mobility will be restored to you. :)

  12. I miss traveling. My husband and I share a car now, but a few years ago we had separate vehicles. It was great being able to come and go as we pleased. Now we have to plan a bit more, but it's for a greater good. We want to budget for a nice house in a new location.

    1. I would love to travel too! There's something so wonderful about experiencing new things! I hope you'll find the budget room to explore again!

  13. Oh Girl, don't cry about your age!! Just think of all this wisdom God has given you that you didn't have in your early twenties. And I'm so blessed that you share it here with us.

    There's a truth that my "age" has taught me when I feel as if I'm lacking: "I am not living content with what God has given me." Every time - and I mean EVERY time - that I feel like I'm missing out on something it's only a perceived need. Key word - perceived. If I needed it, I'd have it because God is faithful. It's a clue that my perception needs to change - not the provision of my incredible Savior.

    1. Wow, Donna. You spoke what I needed to hear today. Thank you for that!

    2. You are so wise!! I've become more thankful as I've gotten older--that's a good thing! And, you are SO right about our perception. God gives us everything we need for each moment!

  14. Jill, I so hear you on the free time part. I used to be able to go to the beach spur-of-the-moment with friends—a 2 hour drive away. I didn't have a ton of money, but my weekends were my own.

    I love, LOVE being a mom. It is a constant sacrifice of myself for my family. I love it, but it's draining some days. Sometimes I miss the freedom to just hang out with other women. It happens now, but it's much more scheduled. Life changes priorities. But, in a house full of testosterone, I miss my relational estrogen-fixes sometimes. I think, overall, there isn't much else I miss about my 20's. Except maybe the freedom to eat as much chocolate as I wanted and not see the effects of that decision. Sigh.

    Loved this post today.

    1. Yes!! I want that too--a spur of the moment beach trip with girlfriends! And chocolate!! Everything is scheduled, and it's draining. Like right now, I actually have nothing on my plate for the first time in forever and I'm wondering how I can cram in something enjoyable! Needless to say, I'm going to kick these feet up and watch some baseball. :)


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