Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August Topic: Believe in Yourself

The last hurrah of summer--August! I know many of you will be attending ACFW's conference in September, and I wanted to encourage you as you prepare. After my experience at RWA National Conference, I can guess what many of you are feeling in the days leading up to such an exciting event.

Please take a few moments each day this month to believe in yourself. It doesn't matter if you're writing your first book or have completed your tenth--you're a writer and that's enough. Do not feel inadequate if you aren't published yet. Do not pin every hope on your current manuscript. And do not wish you were further on your journey. You are exactly where you need to be right now.

If you're attending next month's conference, relax. Soon, you'll be out of your cocoon, surrounded by talented writers, and it will be an absolute rush. But it might also prove intimidating for anyone not published. Don't worry and don't compare. No one will think less of you if you aren't published. And if you are published? Please take time out of your busy schedule to encourage a few writers who aren't. They'll remember you forever.

If you aren't attending next month's conference, relax. Maybe you desperately wanted to go but couldn't afford it. Or maybe you've never heard of it and could care less. Either way, you're blessed with time at home to focus on your current project. When it's the right time for you to go, you will.
So join me as I share practical tips on keeping your confidence level high this month. No matter what step you are on in your journey, you should feel elated. You're in the game. That's all that matters.

Happy Writing!


  1. I LOVE this idea. Can't wait to read the practical tips...because the closer the conference gets, the more doubt starts to creep in. Stupid doubt! :)

  2. Yay! I can't wait for the tips. And I love that photo. So precious.

    I'm SO excited for the conference. Really. Thinking about it makes me want to ... ahem... but yeah, I'm super excited, like a little puppy. LOL

  3. Thanks, Jill!!! You are such a blessing! You know that right!! =)

    I give you the credit for giving me that needed boost to send in a submission this summer.

    I'll do the daily moral boost exercise as I finish my next wip before conference. Wish you were going so I could meet you person.

  4. Katie: I know! When I started walking around the workshops and everyone I introduced myself to seemed to have a book (or three) coming out next year, it was exciting, but...I couldn't help comparing my own lack of books coming out. But I quickly threw it into my "doesn't matter" vault, and enjoyed the conference.

    Jessica: The photo oozes hope and exhiliraton, doesn't it? I wish I could take pictures like that! And it's so great to hear you're going to conference! You'll have tons of great company--I wish I could go to meet you!

    Eileen: You submitted it??!! Yay!!!
    I'm giving you a huge HIGH FIVE and couple of catcalls right now! I'm soooo excited for you!! Anytime you feel clammy and nauseous, you just e-mail me and I'll hold your hand! Okay?

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Great Advice Jill! We all need to be reminded of this every so often :)

  6. Thanks for the encouragement! You are so good at that.
    ~ Wendy

  7. Awesome! And thanks for the encouraging words.

  8. I'll be an avid reader. Last night I was swamped with an attack of writer's doubt. Would I be able to pull together the ideas for this next novel? Kept me awake for quite awhile.

  9. Such a great idea, Jill. One thing writers can never get enough of is encouragement. I love all these blogs that do so--we need to keep our heads up and realize that writing a book is a wonderful accomplishment!

  10. Marybeth: I don't know about you but my moods dip and rise on a regular basis. One day I feel great where my writing is at, and the next I'm convinced everyone is better than me. Who wants to feel like that? Yuck! So this year, I've worked hard at slapping away those comparisons.

    Wendy: No, you are. No, you are. Ha! :)

    Janna: You're welcome!

    Erica: You know you'll have a ton of ideas. In fact, the more you write, the more ideas come. True! Can't wait to read your first book--your titles rock!

    Cindy: Yes, I agree. I hate to cover the same old territory, but we all need it sometimes, you know?

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. Yes, I believe that when the right conference comes along, I will be ready and the money will be there, too. Until then, blogging is such a thrill.

  12. What a wonderful encouraging post, Jill. I needed that today. Thanks.

  13. Nancy: Yep--that's how it works! I love blogging too!

    Angie: Thanks!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I'm not going to the conference, but I can't wait to read your tips so that I'll be ready when the right conference comes along for me.

  15. Great reminder to all of us. Relax and enjoy the journey. Yes, something I needed to hear :D

  16. What a great idea for a series, Jill. I'm one of those who won't be able to attend the ACFW conference, but I'll keep your tips in mind when I go to Mount Hermon next spring.

  17. very helpful topic and so timely! i'm sure your experience at RWA will definitely shed some lightfor us going to ACFW's conference!

  18. Heather: You're welcome, and you know, I needed it today too!

    Lazy Writer: There are so many interesting conferences. I've only been to RWA Nationals, but my friends have told me the smaller ones can be more productive in terms of meeting people and talking to agents and editors.

    Tess: Relax--and enjoy!!

    Keli: Mount Hermon--sounds fun! And spring is a good time to go.

    Jeannie: Attending a conference is all about exposure: exposing your personality to other writers, basking in the exposure of other's knowledge, and sometimes it's exposure to our long held beliefs. Very illuminating!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Thanks for the encouraging post. I'm almost at the finish line for this draft, and it's good to remember to believe in myself when the going gets tough. :-)

  20. Hi Jill,
    I'll really look forward to all of your insider conference advice. It is really intimidating to think of being surrounded by lots of fantastic writers, but hopefully I won't make an absolute idiot of myself!

    Next year ACFW is in Indianopolis. You should really consider going. We could drive down together.

  21. Oh, Jill, thanks for encouraging us, especially the part about relaxing. You are so sweet, and say just what i need to hear!

    And I love that photo of the twirling girl!


  22. Icy Roses: Congrats on nearing the finish line! And it has to feel good having all those terrific ideas for your next novel!

    Jody: Ooh--road trip! It sounds like a blast!

    Shigune: Welcome! I'm so glad you checked out my blog. I'll be happy to stop by yours!

    Jen: Isn't she a doll? Oh, to be able to take lovely pictures like that!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  23. Can't wait. My ego has been living in a dehydrator. It's time for some rain. :)

  24. I love being in the matter my stage in this writing journey. I'm not going to the conference, but will enjoy the tips for future reference!

  25. Danyelle: Nice analogy! Let's soak it with confidence!

    Sherrinda: Me too. Can you imagine not writing? I can't!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Thank you for this!! Great timing!!


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